Our reviews are updated weekly.  Please check back every Friday for our latest and greatest.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Signing Off... For Now

Hey All.

Sorry about the severe lack of updates, but between the pregnancy nausea and the recent holidays, we've been throroughly knocked out of our food-writing groove.

Now that we're in second trimester, we find that we're not going out as much, and the energy level for blogging has fallen off... hate to say it, but it's true.

We let it linger long enough while toying with the idea of getting back in the saddle, but to be honest with ourselves and to stop disappointing the folks who keep asking when we're updating, we've decided to put it on hiatus for a while. Maybe a loooong while... We think a lot will depend on how much our soon-to-be little guy will enjoy eating out.

Thanks to everyone who read our reviews, and especially to those who were interested enough to ask where we were going to eat next.

We're signing off for now, and we'll be in touch when the time is right.

Good eating!